Our Story

Know your farmer, know your food.


Welcome to O’Brien Cattle Company!

Father & son, Sean O’Brien & Sean Michael O’Brien, had a dream early on to create their own cow/calf operation, bonded in the heritage of their agricultural roots. They set out to start a partnership in raising and producing high quality, Angus cattle, with the mantra that their beef is “Bred Right, Fed Right and Processed Right.”

Given the trying times that our society is encountering, and the fact that the consumer is more removed from the family farm than ever before, we developed a new dream: to provide our beef directly to the consumer. From our pasture to your plate, we ensure that our beef is the best quality, authentic and trustworthy.

At O’Brien Cattle Company, we believe in better beef! This belief is the reason that waking up before the sun rises and ending our day in the dark is all worth it. However, we also believe in education. We strive to inform consumers that understanding where your food comes from is important. Also, knowing the farmer who produces your food is important to us. We want to be the farmers that you trust with feeding your family!